Last year I was working almost full time and had very little time with my daughter. At the time I wrote about the little thing my 4 year old said which helped me make the decision to leave a well paid job to go back to being a single mum on a low income.
She said “mummy I don’t want any toys for Christmas, I just want you to be at home”.
This morning we had another one of those moments, and it has triggered me to write this post.
We become embroiled in social media, distracted by the lives of other people and often make comparisons. We lose touch with the real world, with conversations and relationships, and replace them with a world of people we’ve never met.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made some great friends online, but they aren’t here. They aren’t in my life making me happy, going through the joyride of every day living.
I’ve been wasting so much time.
You may know that last year I started a challenge to raise money for MS, I thought the challenge was going to be the drive in the old car but in fact the ongoing battle is with completing the book.
All things considered I have created a new routine which is working to help me get the book published, I then decided that to help me stick to it I would take my desktop computer out of the living room so I am not tempted to work while Lola is at home. She has a thirst to learn about the world around us and me sitting staring into a cyber world is not helping her or creating memories for either of us.
So I told Lola this, I reminded her that while we were in France a couple of weeks ago I had promised to be more fun and spend more time doing things with her. I then told her I was going to move the computer.
Her response with a face looking like she may cry.
“But mummy, you have to make our book and get some money for MS.”
This was a moment similar to last year, she is as much a part of writing the book as I am, it is our journey and one which we both cherish and she understands.
Lola inspires me every day to be the best mum I can but now and again she gives me that little bit extra. Today it was not the sentence but one word, ‘OUR’.
I almost cried with pride because it not only tells me that I’m bringing up a well balanced child, but also that she understands at such a young age the importance of what I’m trying so hard to do.
I think that makes me a very fortunate mum, one who has walked around with a huge smile all morning.
Thank you Lola.