Our Ethos
It's simple, life is short and we believe that sharing it makes it more precious. Fun and experiences are a great way for children to learn, and being present while they do so is rewarding and fulfilling.
It's not always easy to find the right balance, so we aim to help you through supportive tools and inspiration.
We create books,to inspire others to delve into their passions and creativity.
Travels with Lola
These books are full length non-fiction memoirs documenting our travels. To be honest, they are my guilty pleasure. Being able to write and reminisce about the places we visit is wonderful.
We also continue to support MS research through book sales, and if I can inspire you to follow a few of your dreams too it's a bonus!
Children's Books
Based on our travels, excursions and adventures, these children's books are written by me and Lola together. They include photos of places we visit and illustrations crafted by Lola's hand.
Part two of each book is dedicated to activities and education, thus supporting my belief that the future of our children lies in our hands.
Pop over to our blog to browse articles and get a little bit of inspiration.
This is the bit where I fill you in a little more about us and how we live our life.
Fundamentally, it includes creation of books for families who wish to spend time together, embracing the world around us. In addition to this, I am a self-employed writer. Working at home is one of the things I weave into the equation, whilst balancing it with being a single mum.
My ongoing project which brings all of these things together is Travels with Lola, the series of books that allows me to share our journey with our readers. Lola is very much a part of the writing, illustrating, and publishing process. She loves the research and route planning as well as creating the stories with me.
If you'd like to be kept updated about what we've been up to, I will send you a newsletter on a monthly basis. I don't want to clog up your inbox so I think this frequency is a good way to go. You can easily sign up in the boxes provided on the site but no pressure!
I just want to deliver value and inspiration to those who like what we do.