Living La Vida Lola has been my baby since Lola was tiny, and although I haven’t kept the posts up to date recently, I always return with fondness.
Many of you know that I am passionate about spending time with family and about the fragility of life. You just never know what’s around the corner. It’s something that’s overlooked in these days of materialism and competitiveness.
You may also wonder about our fundraising efforts, what has happened to them and what has happened to us, so this post is really an update for our followers. It’s also a difficult article to write, because I’m coming back to writing with a heavy heart. In fact, it has taken ten months for me to feel strong enough to update you all.
For those who are familiar with our story, you know that I wrote my first book for my father, who at the time was fighting a battle with both MS and Cancer. He passed away last year, and it is only now that I feel able to continue with spreading my message and the passion I shared with him for road travel and especially France.
Whilst his death is a challenging thing to write about, I take solace from the fact that he always supported my writing. In one of our last conversations, he told me he could picture me and Lola in France with Clancy in front of a big house in the countryside. I promised him I would follow my heart, pursue my dream and carry on exploring in the old Peugeot 504 we love.
Recently, I booked a place to stay near Morlaix, in the Finistère department of Brittany. It’s a beautiful old house with the potential to write to my heart’s content, and that’s exactly what I will do. This part of France has always inspired me; it has done so from the moment I first drove on to French soil at Roscoff. It is my happy place, and I know that this is the right time to move forward and start writing again.
I will continue with my travel writing, but I think it’s also valuable for me share my beliefs authentically. I will always be someone who favours time with family, happiness and well-being over financial wealth. As an older mother, I’m part of the sandwich generation who care not only for their children but also for their parents. Far from this being a problem for me, I see it as a blessing.
Over the coming months, I will write more here. I have also set up a Patreon page to help me follow my passion for words, and with the support of my readers I hope to bring you many more books.