A wise man once said that life is a journey. It’s perhaps an overused statement but none the less, one that’s very true. This post is an introduction to the background of our website and why we share our life with you.
The story begins long before the European Road Trip with my daughter happened. Since I was a young girl,I have loved travelling and have been surrounded by cars. I have early memories of going to work with my dad in his truck and loving seeing lots of new places. I also fondly recall caravan trips to Exmoor where we stayed on a farm and wandered around the beautiful villages and open countryside.
Every morning I was allowed to go to collect the milk from the farmer in his dairy, but to get there I needed to cross a river! Looking back it was a tiny brook running through the field but at 6 years old it was a huge adventure.
As I grew older I developed a love of geography and languages, and if I am honest have spent a large part of my adult life roaming. Even as I write this introductory chapter of my adventure I am excited at the prospect of travelling with my daughter and sharing our experiences.
The jobs I have had over the years probably reflect my passions too. Although I worked in Accountancy and Marketing I seemed to end up in vehicle related jobs. I worked for a haulage company as an Accountant, a coach company as Operations Manager, a Finance Manager for an airline and a Fleet Leasing company as Consultancy Manager. The Ops job was the most enjoyable because I was able to arrange and manage coach tours throughout Europe, thus feeding my love of travel and vehicles in one place.
On reflection, none of this surprises me because I have a father who is fanatical about Peugeot. He travelled many miles on rallies with the Peugeot Club, and has six of these French Icons which are all immaculate. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to drive long distances and explore as he used to, so I feel that it is time to step into his shoes. My daughter is three and has already travelled more than most children would do in their lifetime. She is showing signs of following in her mother’s footsteps, asking about countries and continents and wanting to learn words in other languages. She also has a keen eye for cars, she spots the badge and tells me who has a car like that. There is no doubt that she will love travelling as much as I do, although perhaps she won’t put up with ten hours in a car as she once did on a trip from Brisbane to Mollymook in Australia.

Enjoying life’s journey on Dartmoor, 2011.
Our website not only allows me to share our life and adventures with you but it also gives me a channel to help others. As I continue researching and exploring with Lola, I can share what I find with you, and hopefully inspire you to step outside your comfort zone and follow your dreams!
My dream is to find a little property in France. This will enable us to split our time between the UK and the continent, but for now I’m enjoying the research and exploring. That is what this is all about, taking a step at a time remembering life is a journey, not a destination. It’s about enjoying the ride each and every day.
I hope that you enjoy what we have to say. Please feel free to join us by subscribing to our monthly newsletter.
It’s now 2020 and Lola is ten. How time flies!
This year, our adventure continues as we launch our children’s books, all of which support our ongoing fundraising efforts for MS. I still take on a limited number of coaching clients to scratch my itch of a desire to help people. Each of these things allow us to share the things we are passionate about; it’s been a long bumpy road since this post was first written, but at last things are coming together!
I look forward to taking a moment of your time now and then with both short reads and useful information, but most of all I’d love to inspire you to enjoy life’s journey.