If you are getting a feel for Living La Vida Lola you will hopefully get that this is about a journey; it is about making the most of each day while always looking forward to creating a life worth living
The common quote, “every journey starts with a single step” springs to mind and in fact one of the most important things about the journey that we take is avoiding overwhelm, planning well enough to minimise stress while still be ready to embrace change as life throws obstacles in our path. This was the approach I took when Lola and I were driving around Europe last year, 6 months of planning yet many things influenced the outcome of the trip. It wasn’t a problem though, it actually helps to tell the story in the book, to encourage people not to be afraid and to challenge themselves to create that life that is embellished with experiences you can share with your grandchildren.
Similarly we have a plan for building the life of our dreams. We are currently in our “stability” stage; I have a 5 year plan and 2014 is the year of establishing a strong foundation before we move towards the bigger vision I have for Living La Vida Lola as a mother, an author and a coach.
I will talk later of the importance of creating a plan but for now I shall tell you the focus of May. My vision for Living La Vida Lola in the future encompasses being a resource for those wishing to make positive change in their lives as well as being an educational and entertaining website. Our personal journey involves travelling, writing and researching which I believe gives Lola a wonderful education as well as serving the purpose of following our dream to have a small property somewhere in the Mediterranean.
In fact, my first book which is about the road trip we took last year will be the first in a series following us as we explore the culture and lifestyle that we are lucky to have on our doorstep.
It is very hard to juggle being a single mum with creating a business so I hope to inspire others through our actions. That is where my tagline, Follow Our Journey, Create Your Own comes from.
Let me inspire you then help you to take action towards achieving your own goals.
I’d love it if you subscribed to our newsletter by using the form on the right hand side of the page, it’s a long journey ahead but it would be great to share it with you and the best bit, it’s FREE!
All in all over the coming months I want to grow this website into a place for you to come to dream, to be inspired and most of all to create the lifestyle that you desire, just like Lola and I are.
I will be back soon with another post so for now, explore and enjoy!