September 2020.
I published the book, Clancy Goes to France, in 2015. You can see some reviews here.
1st December 2014
We’re almost there! I thought you might like to see the first draft of the cover of the book so here is a sneaky peak!
It’s taken far longer than I imagined to get this right; juggling life with writing a book has been pleasurable and stressful but I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
The reason it has taken so long is that the whole idea has transformed from the original plan. The trip didn’t go as planned, Lola’s asthma threw in a couple of curve balls and I realised that I didn’t want this to be a 50 page account written purely to raise money for MS.
This was always about my dad and making the most of time with loved ones so the book has to come from my heart and be something I am proud to read. It also has to take my father off on the journey with us when he reads it.
The turning point came in August when I made the decision to write for 2 hours a day regardless of how I felt, this got me across the finish line with the draft and to be honest, I am enjoying reading and editing now – especially the days when my writing was atrocious! Bottom line, it won’t be published until I am entirely happy with it.
Over the coming months I will start my marketing and awareness with a view to publishing in February 2015. I plan a launch with my watercolours, photo books and of course signed copies of the book to be won which I am looking forwarding to! I hope you will join us too.
For now, I will leave you as I have some editing to do. I’m sure as I read some of the pages I will be reminded of funny moments and I will quietly smile to myself along the way.
Don’t forget you can find me at (European Road Trip For MS)
and also on Twitter where I go by the name of @emandlola
Would love you to help me build the following as the launch approaches.
Have a great day ( and Merry Christmas if I don’t get back here before!)
6th February
First draft is just about there, now for the editing and inclusion of maps. All that’s left then is the publishing! I will be looking back in September (when I plan on being back in the Pyrenees) thinking how on earth did I do that!
Lola is still talking about the trip, she still tells me she doesn’t like my little Renault and complains that the bread isn’t the same. It all reminds me of how fortunate I am to have given her the experience and drives me to achieve more so that I can continue to teach her about the world through travel.
All in all, I reckon we’re pretty lucky.
24th January
I am planning to launch the book in April during 2014 MS Week. This ties in nicely with their awareness push during the week of 25th April.
Lots happening at the moment, I have been writing some blog posts which you can see over on the top of the right side bar if you’d like to read them.
11 months after a fleeting thought of a road trip things are slowly coming together and although it’s been a lot of work it is well worth it.
Thank you for your ongoing support
9th January
I am back on board and writing furiously to get the book published in March. Today, I have made a little time for a blog post in between. How Lucky Am I is just a few thoughts for today.
Thank you for your continuing support.
23rd October
Long Overdue But Finally Here ( Click to read Blog Post)
A blog post I wrote mid way through the trip but couldn’t publish due to the difficulties with the site and internet! More to come as I get back on track.
16th October – Finally back online!!
Thank you all for your patience. It has been a labour of love to get the corrupted files on the website fixed, it’s taken a month to get things straight!
I have a couple of posts I wrote while we were away which I’ll upload once I’ve proof read them, from there on I’ll be posting regularly.
Stay tuned!
29th August – 2 days to go!
This week has been hectic as I expected. We’ve had some great feedback after our Press Launch including an article from the Somerset Guardian. I came to work today to be greeted by the front page of the paper with my face on it!
I think I’m on top of everything, have money passports and the car so can get by if I’ve forgotten anything. Lola is extremely excited and I am looking forward to having a month to spend all of our time together; life flies past so quickly and this is one experience that I want to cherish and her to remember for the rest of her life. Yes it’s going to be testing but the challenge of driving so far is outweighed by the overall adventure.
I’m aiming to update the blog and Facebook page whilst away, hopefully every couple of days but I have to keep some surprises up my sleeve to go in the book at the end!
Thanks to everyone who is following and supporting us, I hope you enjoy the journey with us. I’ll do my best to be entertaining and informative as well as take lots of pictures!