Hi! I wanted to let you know more about our books. Some are published, some are in progress, but they’re all related to one theme.
Our books are created to encourage families to spend time together, and writing them enables me to combine the things I am passionate about – writing, spending time with family, and travelling.
In 2021, Lola and I are working on several books which we are writing and illustrating together. We use our every day experiences to create stories, and we hope we can inspire other families to do the same. The collection of books will grow as Lola does, and you as a reader can join us for the ride!
With the children’s books, the aim is education made fun; I really want to get children excited about the arts as soon as I can. This means starting them young!
In addition, once I’m able to I will be writing a sequel to Clancy Goes to France. I plan to take one of the routes I talked about with my father, and once again we’ll be in the old, reliable Peugeot.
Our Vision
Let’s keep this simple, there are two things we’d love to achieve.
- To lead by example, showing the importance of communication, listening and being together.
- To inspire families to share valuable time together learning and growing, making the most of the world around us.
Our Children’s Books
The first series are child sized adventures relating to our 3,000 mile road trip in France with the stories relating to chapters of my memoir, Clancy Goes to France . In my mind, I’d love to see parents and grandparents reading my memoir as well as enjoying reading the children’s books with their little ones. The aim is to create a bundle of stories for the whole family.
So far in the Travels with Lola series we have published An Aqueduct Adventure which is a fun account of a day out in Pont du Gard. The book includes my photos and Lola’s illustrations and she also designed the cover!
At her request, the children’s books are backpack size, perfect for little travellers.
Clancy Goes to France
This memoir is the book I wrote to celebrate my father's life and his passion for driving in France.
Although a travel memoir, there is a strong underlying theme of appreciating the time we have with our loved ones.
If you'd like to buy a digital or paperback copy on Amazon today, you can visit this link.
Photo taken at Collioure, near the Spanish Mediterranean border. A gorgeous spot that is featured in Clancy Goes to France.

Click Here to visit Amazon for more information.
An Aqueduct Adventure
This mini memoir is a story about our trip to Pont du Gard in Provence and includes photos, Lola's illustrations, and educational activities.
Your child learns to read a map, finds out about ancient engineering, and even discovers good nutrition with a simple, delicious recipe.
Click the link below to hop over to Amazon if you'd like to find out more.
Reader Reviews
It's very early days here but I am excited to be taking the next step with Travels with Lola . I'm pleased to share some reviews from my readers and believe that their words are the best testament I can share with you.
“...Please keep writing, you have a rare gift in making people be at your side through all your adventures.”
"...Emma’s journey, with the love for her father and their car is so inspiring and heart-warming. I must meet Clancy!" - Janis Winehouse (mother of singer Amy Winehouse)
“...A wonderful story. I was sad to finish the book”
“...What a wonderful book.! Informative,funny,felt I was there on her journey with Clancy. A must read if you enjoy travel books.”
“... a pleasure to read!”
Source: Amazon reader reviews