It’s lovely to see the warmer days approach as April begins. Typically we’ve seen hail, rain, sunshine and fog but nonetheless, change is afoot.
This morning, I can see a glimmer of colour on the trees outside my window. Unfortunately, the early Magnolia blossoms were killed in a sharp frost this week; the beautiful show of whites and pinks has turned to what appears to be the top of a lemon meringue pie. The soft pillow-like silhouette now resembles the top of a lemon meringue pie. But what has this got to do with making memories?
The overnight demise of the floral spectacle is something beyond our control. Mother Nature does her work on flora and fauna just as life sometimes takes an unexpected turn for us. Each day when the sun rises we can’t know what is ahead, so it’s important to plan but to be flexible, much like a blade of grass in the wind.
It seems that amongst my other thoughts, there’s never been a more appropriate time for me to dive in with my thoughts on homeschooling and family balance. As we live with a global pandemic, children around the world are becoming accustomed to learning at home… parents are finding it challenging.
Although the challenge is immense, we can turn things around; we can make memories
I plan to provide hope, optimism and practical ideas along the way, and will be sharing on my Facebook page daily for this purpose.
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