As we approach the end of August, I have to wonder where the year has gone. It has been another eventful one for Lola and me, most recently we moved house and of course earlier in the year I published our book.
The good news is that we are now settled in our new home. Having lived in several countries around the world I am back in the village I was born in and I am at last content. The sunset last night was stunning and today, as I write I glance out across green fields and am met by the stare of a local sheep. As she chews her grass, her eyes do not move until finally, a magpie lands on her back, breaking the concentration and causing a little wiggle of the ewe’s droopy tail.
I have a place of calm to be creative, do what I love and share a full life with Lola. Which brings me to my plans.
This website has been neglected of late, but now I am ready to tackle the list of articles I want to write and the photos that I wish to share. Those photos will also become part of our photo book which will complement Clancy Goes To France, the aim is to have it ready by the end of September. It is easy to stray from a goal but having been unplugged over the summer I have been able to reflect upon what I really want to do – step one is completion of the pictorial.
Then came the question. What would you do in a perfect world if money were no object?
The answer? I would be exploring France and writing about it, nothing makes me smile more than the experience of doing so and sharing it with Lola.
You see, travelling like this takes money and writing books takes time. Both of these things are often in shortage when you are a single mum so I was considering a different direction, but I’m pleased to say that this week the decision has been made to save hard, do plenty of research and make the most of every minute on our next trip. This plan has been greatly influenced by receipt of two emails from readers, one of which said –
“Please keep writing, you have a rare gift in making people be at your side through all your adventures.”
These words reminded that my goal is to do exactly that, to take you along with us for the ride, whether you are confined to your armchair or planning your own adventures, I want to inspire you.
From the time spent driving in France in 2013 I learned a great deal, not least that it is not practical to attempt to cover too much mileage when there is a need for rest and research. It is better to position yourself in the middle of your target area and do short day trips where you can absorb the marvels that surround you. The reality is that seven hours a day on the road does not create great writing material!
So it is a return to France for us next year. I’m not sure where but it will probably be following a route that my father took several years ago. I know that being immersed in the beautiful countryside and architecture will fill my creative boots more than enough to write another book.
The pictorial will keep me busy over the next month; research, planning and scheduling will follow and I will of course share my progress along the way. If you’d like to stay informed please sign up for our newsletter by entering your details in the side column.
Thank you for reading. It’s back to watching the sheep and a cup of tea for me now!